Love Lives

I pity the person who’s ears are deaf and eyes blind to Love’s presence inside. Maybe Love and the dance of courtship is dead for those that are dead inside. However, for the living Love has never…


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Let ChatGPT to Be Your Pair Programmer

Unlick Github Copilot, OpenAI does not offer an IDE plugin to help devs for coding, but it does not mean, we cannot use ChatGPT for free as a coding assistant.

Then how?

robots back to back

I am very impressed in the beginning, it is able to

This is a suggestion from it about using Chakra UI

This is an example of using react-dnd, with example

chatgpt coding suggestion

It was mentioned the color schema in the beginning, but later when I asked it to say it again, it forgot.
This is what is says in the beginning**

chatgpt suggested color template

But in the end, it forgot

chatgpt forgot

Maybe this is more like a real human being, since real people, we do forget (sometimes).

They understand general knowledge for coding, and UI very well. At the same time ChatGPT can do coding review very well, it can point many general coding suggestions in one go. I personally feel like it is much better than most of coding review/quality integration service at Github.

ChatGPT UI Suggestion About Simple and Elegant Color Design:

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